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His Word Is Our Strength

A couple of nights ago, I did a motivational exercise where I sat in the middle of my living room, with pictures and quotes that truly inspired me. For half an hour I took time to bask in the thought of, "what was and what will soon be." Quotes, scriptures and pictures enclosed me like an envelope, as though my goals were already signed, sealed and manifested. It ignited a fire within me and had me to feel invincible and capable of accomplishing all I set out to do. Ironically, I felt a glimpse of fear, and It reminded me that I still needed work in certain areas, and that I should maybe remove a couple of my ideas so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed by the thought of having to do it all in my strength. Fear befriended me before I could formally introduce myself. By letting those thoughts set in, I felt the fiery blaze turn into a single light. You see, whether we acknowledge it or not, we sometimes allow fear to hang around unwittingly. It's one of the only things that can cost us everything (by causing us to feel incapable, and thus forth stagnant) and in return give us nothing. It's safe to say that all of our fears know about one another. by accepting one, you resentfully accept them all. Thankfully, I sat a bit longer and glanced upon a scripture I'd hope to remember for moments just like this. Joshua 1-9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Was that right on time,or what?! In that very moment, I learned several things I'm sure will encourage you to stand solid in your walk.

  1. God reminded me through his word that he is the lamp unto my feet, and in my darkest moments I can use it to navigate.

  2. That the emotions of fear or insecurity were not of him. He'd given me the authority to be encouraged and brave.

  3. To look at obstacles optimistically because I was indeed connected to the source. Fear had two options to be only a word or subconscious emotion but is not enough to become an obstacle unless I allowed it to stop me from dreaming.

I encourage you to stay the course by walking worthy in your calling. Immediately counteract fear with God's promise, and what you know to be true. Your time is coming and your purpose is equally seeking you. Trust me, You got this a hundred times over. Don't forget that!

XOXO, Kerra

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