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Our Forever Reminders

I sat and talked with God this morning and what he revealed to me blew my mind. I am tremendously excited for 2021, but if I could be honest I'm slightly nervous. I'm the one who kinda needs to know ''the step by step before I leap''. I had plans this year and between Fear and Covid-19 I felt bound so I knew it was normal for me to need a bit of reassurance. This makes talks with the Author of it all interesting because he in fact, knows it all. So over a warm cup of tea and a slice of buttered toast lol, our conversation went as such :

Me: God I love you and I trust you . Thank you for all of these ideas and aspirations you’ve given me . Please reveal to me where to start and what it is actually for me to do as far as business in this season. I truly desire to be all you’ve called me to be.

God: ok. Are you sure ? ( Here I thought, ''such a gentleman, that man. always making sure to never give us more than we can handle.''.) lol

Me: Yes, God ... This year I realized it was you toughening me up, therefore no matter how harsh the blow, I'll continue to stand on your promise. Especially when it is from you.

God: Remember that I am faithful. Your desire is to “Arrive” and I desire for you to serve and to always be willing to learn , willing to sacrifice and most importantly willing to be obedient ... Operating in this way, gives you access to the next steps and the opportunities I've set aside for you. Cultivate the seed and I will ensure it grows. Through discouragement and lack of faith you lose sight of where I’m performing but through consistency in me first, I’ll show you the wonders of my word. Write out your plan, be consistent and leave room for me to strengthen you for more, which is what I always give in return . Stay in your lane , my desires are different from what the world asks of you ... And know that I am God and God alone, I will not leave you nor forsake you. Operate as though you've never lost, and The NO's from man have never phased you. Trust that there will be opposition but just as I have kept you before, I'm capable of doing so again. Don't You remember? I asked the Israelites to walk faithfully seven time around the wall and by FAITH they were blessed, forevermore. ( Joshua : 6) - Side Note, I thought boy after the 5th time I would have needed God to remind why we were walking again but again his point was to remind me that he's worth the 2 extra laps, the trials of starting a business from ground up, and the serving when you feel you should be leading.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD..

After I finished crying 😭 I wrote everything down and I felt safe . Because in this revelation he reminded me that no matter what it looked like , through my consistency I will in fact see his promise. My prayer is that the pieces that resonate with you in this passage, you will take with you on your journey of Serving and Succeeding. I pray god perfects your plan, by making it his own. Lets play full out in this season! I'd love to hear some of your goals, business handles, and even scriptures you feel will keep you fearless in this season! Comment Below.

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