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Picture Perfect

Updated: Aug 7, 2020


I must admit, I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to publishing any idea of mine. Though it has its perks to like things to happen or be a certain way, it promotes an underlying factor of fear when things don’t turn out as planned. By starting a blog, I was not only sure that it was a part of my purpose, but it would set me free in a sense. I’d not only have a place to be my authentic self, but my words were bound to inspire someone, somewhere. I mean, how exciting is that?! It wasn’t until I understood I couldn’t just be the writer, but I'd need to be the editor, web designer, content creator, and photographer that had me to see the imperfection within the process. I couldn't possibly do it all. Realizing that, I felt as though I was standing at the intersection of Stress St. and Anxiety Ln, and I’d have to cross over Disappointment Blvd. before getting to my destination. So in that moment, I decided to stand at the intersection, even when the light was green for me to cross, I couldn’t bare what obstacles I’d possibly face next. In actuality, this was me taking a break from @Kerramotivates. I had always saw that Instagram page as a steppingstone to the blog, but the leap seemed impossible to make. For two months, I let that page call my name, and I wouldn’t respond.

"What is it that you're not responding to? Has fear of the unknown made you stagnant?.”

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2


Standing at the intersection of anxiety and stress, As my bags ( Gucci bags to be exact, filled w/ dreams, goals, ambition and talent ) got heavier, I went to my trusted friend, Jesus. I was finally over feeling helpless. He started by saying, " Why hadn't you come sooner? I mean I gave you the idea, I gave you the talent, ... Had you not expected me to see it through?". I was at lost for words! Before I could rebuttal, he said, "Start walking". I put my best foot forward and he said, " WAIT, you've left no room for me to walk with you. Let go of your perfectionism, and some of those dreams. There to small and are closed off for me to manifest in my own power. So I walked over them, and I never looked back. In His power, as I kept my faith and kept walking, I'd run into other entrepreneurs who God was also helping to cross streets. They were photographers and content creators and they were most of all a gift from God. Had I not Crossed...... In closing, I encourage you to allow God to direct you, encourage you and manifest the greatness with you. Fear is not of him, so let it go and start walking. You may be the someone another person his hoping to meet wile walking in faith. W/ love .... Kerra

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